Sunrise picture taken from my front balcony on the 24 th floor. Those are just some of the ships that are out there every day and night! Sunrise is between 6:45 and 7am every day of the year. It never varies more than 10 to 15 min all year long. No daylight savings time here! Unless it's raining, this is what it looks like every morning.
Sunset taken from my back terrace looking out over part of downtown Singapore. It is dark every evening every day of the year between 7:20 and 7:30pm. It never varies more than 10 to 15 minutes over the course of the year. Unless it's raining, this is what the sunset looks like every evening.
This is looking out from our back terrace during the day. We get a lot of gray skies many days, sometimes all day long. It looks almost hazy, but it's the humidity in the air - there's that much. It gets crystal clear usually at night - unless it's raining, of course - as soon as the sun goes down when the temps change a couple of degrees. Then we can look out the front balcony and see the lights of Indonesia that are about 9 miles away.
Looking out from my balcony as a storm is moving in. The storms come through from all directions and pop up quite frequently. Most are very intense, but don't usally last too long. It will be bright one minute and 5 minutes later be pouring down. They move through pretty quick most of the time, except during the monsoon season, when it rains pretty much non-stop for 3 months. Usually Nov, Dec and Jan.
This is the same storm as the picture above. It rains so hard, everything just begins to disappear and for a while we can't even see the ships. In the lower part of the picture to the left, you can see a water way that collects rain and leads it out to sea so we don't flood. Notice how full it is so quickly. If you go back to the previous picture, you don't see it. That's how much rain we get so fast. Also, Singapore is known as "The Lightening Capital of the World".
Here's one of our crystal clear days looking out on the ships in the bay. The clouds are a line of thunderstorms that are sitting right across the top of the Indonesian islands which are about 9 miles away. There are so many ships coming and going that they keep the waters churned up and cloudy. Very rarely do we get a day that the water is this blue.
More pictures coming! Next I'll try to post the ones of our apartment,
then after that pictures of around the island.
Shari - I did it! Thanks to all your very patient help!
Andrea - send me a note letting me know what's up!
Barbara - how are your parents doing?
Joyce - haven't heard from you in a while.
Christy and Beth - how's Ani? Pats to her!
Heather - yes, still the future. Yes, he is still there.