I've had this happen to me a number of times. I step into a taxi, tell the driver where I am going. Or I go into a store to look at and purchase something. After a minute of conversation I am usually ask either, "Where are you from?" or I am asked, "Are you from the UK?" meaning United Kingdom which translates to Great Britain. Now to me, I don't sound like I am Bristish. I sound Southern. In fact, to be precise, I sound like a Texan, which we all know is exactly what I am. And it's a hard accent to shake. Anyway, I keep getting asked if I am from the UK. I reply no, I am from the US, I don't have a British accent. Everyone of them so far has then shrug and said, "Oh you caucasians (which is what hey call us fair skinned, light haired people) - oh you caucasians - you all look and sound alike. Cannot tell you apart! " I think that is just hysterical! So I guess it's all relative to the culture and what side of it you're on!
I was in the IKEA store the other day buying lamps. I was standing there talking to Basil, we were discussing the merits of one lamp over those of another lamp when two very Australian ladies approached me. They told me they loved my accent and where exactly was I from. I told them the US. They told me, "Oh yes, we can tell that. What we really want to know is what part of Texas are you from?" I was floored!!
So I guess the lesson learned today is that in Singapore I look and sound exactly like every other caucasian here except to two little old Australian ladies who know a dead-on Texas, southern accent when they hear one!!!
You should hear me teaching the taxi drivers to say, "Howdy, ya'll!! How ya doin' today? Just can't seem to get that accent down pat yet though!!
Hope everyone is doing well!
Andrea - good for you! Two years is plenty long enough - enjoy !!!
Heather - Yes. Still.
I was in the IKEA store the other day buying lamps. I was standing there talking to Basil, we were discussing the merits of one lamp over those of another lamp when two very Australian ladies approached me. They told me they loved my accent and where exactly was I from. I told them the US. They told me, "Oh yes, we can tell that. What we really want to know is what part of Texas are you from?" I was floored!!
So I guess the lesson learned today is that in Singapore I look and sound exactly like every other caucasian here except to two little old Australian ladies who know a dead-on Texas, southern accent when they hear one!!!
You should hear me teaching the taxi drivers to say, "Howdy, ya'll!! How ya doin' today? Just can't seem to get that accent down pat yet though!!
Hope everyone is doing well!
Andrea - good for you! Two years is plenty long enough - enjoy !!!
Heather - Yes. Still.